Secure Your Network with NethSecurity: A Comprehensive Guide to the Ultimate Firewall Solution

Network security is an indispensable aspect of any modern business, particularly for Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs) that need to safeguard their operations without incurring excessive costs. NethSecurity stands out as a robust, feature-rich firewall solution that promises to deliver next-generation security features with ease of deployment and management. This blog post delves into the comprehensive capabilities of NethSecurity, exploring its installation, configuration, and core features.

Introduction to NethSecurity

NethSecurity is a fully-featured Linux firewall designed specifically for SMBs, offering a cost-effective and integrated solution. Built on the solid foundation of OpenWrt, NethSecurity combines flexibility, customization, and robust community support. It offers functionalities such as MultiWAN, Deep Packet Inspection (DPI), VPNs, Threat Protection, and more, ensuring comprehensive network defense.

Key Features of NethSecurity

  1. Multi-WAN Support: Enhances network performance and ensures uninterrupted connectivity by balancing traffic across multiple internet connections.
  2. Deep Packet Inspection (DPI): Uses nDPI to inspect and analyze network traffic at a granular level, identifying and classifying specific applications or protocols within data packets.
  3. VPN Support: Includes IPsec, OpenVPN, and WireGuard, allowing secure connections between remote locations and enabling remote work with secure access to resources.
  4. Traffic Shaping: Quality of Service (QoS) to prioritize network traffic, ensuring critical applications receive the necessary bandwidth.
  5. Threat Shield: Blocks attacks from known malicious IP addresses using blocklists with confidence scores indicating the quality of each list.

Deploying NethSecurity

NethSecurity prides itself on its quick and straightforward installation process. Whether you are installing it on bare metal, a virtual machine, or using a live installation from a USB stick, NethSecurity ensures a smooth deployment experience.

Installation on Bare Metal

To install NethSecurity on a bare metal server:

  1. Prepare the Installation Media: Write the downloaded image to a USB stick, SD card, or directly to a hard disk.

    zcat nethsecurity-8-23.05.3-ns.1.0.1-x86-64-generic-squashfs-combined-efi.img.gz | dd of=/dev/sdd bs=1M iflag=fullblock status=progress oflag=direct
  2. Boot from Installation Media: Plug the installation media into the server and boot from it. Select the appropriate boot device from the server’s boot menu.

  3. Follow Installation Prompts: The system will guide you through the installation process. Once complete, NethSecurity is ready to be configured.

Installation on Virtual Machines

NethSecurity can also be installed on various virtualization platforms such as Proxmox, VMware, and more. Here is an example for Proxmox:

  1. Create a Virtual Machine: Set up a new VM with appropriate resources and network configurations.

    qm create 401 --name "NethSecurity" --ostype l26 --cores 1 --memory 1024 --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0 --net1 virtio,bridge=vmbr1 --scsihw virtio-scsi-pci
  2. Download and Prepare the Image:

    wget ''
    gunzip nethsecurity-8-23.05.3-ns.1.0.1-x86-64-generic-squashfs-combined-efi.img.gz
    qm importdisk 401 nethsecurity-8-23.05.3-ns.1.0.1-x86-64-generic-squashfs-combined-efi.img local-lvm
  3. Attach the Disk and Configure Boot Order:

    qm set 401 --scsi0 local-lvm:vm-401-disk-0
    qm set 401 --boot order=scsi0
  4. Start the Virtual Machine: Boot the VM and complete the installation process.

Live Installation

For temporary setups or testing, NethSecurity can be run directly from a USB stick without installation:

  1. Create Bootable USB: Use a tool like Etcher to write the NethSecurity image to a USB stick.

  2. Boot from USB: Insert the USB stick into the server, boot from it, and NethSecurity will run directly from the USB.

Configuring NethSecurity

Once installed, configuring NethSecurity is straightforward, thanks to its intuitive web interface. The modern interface ensures that even users with minimal experience can effectively manage and configure the firewall.


The NethSecurity dashboard provides a centralized hub for monitoring and managing firewall activities. Key features include:

  • Real-Time Monitoring: View live traffic patterns, system health, and intrusion attempts.
  • Traffic Management: Analyze traffic data to optimize network performance and security.
  • Intrusion Detection: Monitor and respond to potential security threats in real-time.

Interfaces and Devices

NethSecurity allows the creation of distinct network zones (e.g., LAN, WAN), enabling precise security configurations. Administrators can use user-friendly labels for rule management and implement granular security policies to regulate traffic flow and manage network resources efficiently.

Multi-WAN Configuration

Configuring Multi-WAN ensures network redundancy and load balancing. This is particularly useful for businesses relying on consistent internet connectivity. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Access Network Settings: Navigate to the network configuration section in the web interface.
  2. Add WAN Interfaces: Define multiple WAN interfaces, specifying their respective configurations.
  3. Configure Load Balancing: Set up load balancing rules to distribute traffic evenly across the available connections.

Deep Packet Inspection (DPI)

NethSecurity’s DPI capabilities are powered by nDPI, allowing detailed traffic analysis and control:

  1. Enable DPI: Access the DPI settings in the web interface.
  2. Define Rules: Create rules to monitor and control specific applications or protocols.
  3. Analyze Traffic: Use the DPI dashboard to view detailed traffic insights and take action based on the findings.

VPN Configuration

NethSecurity supports IPsec, OpenVPN, and WireGuard for secure remote connections:

  1. Set Up VPNs: Navigate to the VPN configuration section and choose the desired protocol.
  2. Configure Endpoints: Define the remote endpoints and authentication methods.
  3. Establish Connections: Test and establish VPN connections to ensure secure communication between remote locations.

Traffic Shaping and QoS

To prioritize critical network traffic, NethSecurity includes robust traffic shaping and QoS features:

  1. Access QoS Settings: Navigate to the traffic shaping section in the web interface.
  2. Define Rules: Create rules to prioritize specific types of traffic (e.g., VoIP, streaming).
  3. Monitor Performance: Use the monitoring tools to ensure the rules are effectively managing network traffic.

Threat Shield

NethSecurity’s Threat Shield blocks malicious IP addresses using predefined blocklists:

  1. Enable Threat Shield: Access the threat protection settings and activate the Threat Shield.
  2. Manage Blocklists: Customize the blocklists to include sources that meet your security requirements.
  3. Monitor Threats: Regularly check the Threat Shield dashboard for blocked threats and adjust settings as necessary.

Advanced Features

NethSecurity goes beyond basic firewall functionalities, offering advanced features that provide comprehensive network protection and management.

Stateful Firewall

NethSecurity’s stateful firewall tracks the state of network connections, ensuring that only legitimate traffic is allowed. This enhances security by preventing unauthorized access and mitigating potential threats.

Live Installation

For quick deployment or testing, NethSecurity can run directly from a bootable USB stick without installation on a hard drive. This feature is particularly useful for setting up temporary firewalls or evaluating the software before full deployment.

Centralized Controller

Manage multiple NethSecurity installations from a single interface. The centralized controller allows administrators to:

  • Generate and transmit VPN configurations.
  • Store credentials securely.
  • Collect logs and metrics from various NethSecurity installations.

Why Choose NethSecurity?

NethSecurity offers several compelling reasons for SMBs to adopt it as their firewall solution:

  1. Lightning-Fast Deployment: Easy configuration and setup process, with a firewall up and running in minutes.
  2. Modern Web Interface: Intuitive and user-friendly, making it accessible even to beginners.
  3. Wide Hardware Support: Broad compatibility with various devices and hypervisor systems.
  4. Linux-Based: Leveraging the familiarity and robustness of Linux, facilitating easier training and better utilization of existing skills.
  5. Open Source: Transparency and security assurance through open-source code.
  6. Active Development: Continuous updates and maintenance from an active open-source community.

About NethSecurity

NethSecurity is an Unified Threat Management (UTM) solution offering a suite of security features including firewall, content filtering, DPI using Netifyd, Dedalo hotspot, OpenVPN, and an optional remote controller. Based on OpenWrt, it provides flexibility, customization, and strong community support.

Security Features

  • Firewall: Stateful packet inspection and filtering to protect networks from unauthorized access.
  • DNS Content Filtering: Blocks access to inappropriate or malicious websites.
  • **Deep

    Packet Inspection**: Advanced traffic analysis to detect and prevent threats.

  • Hotspot: Managed Wi-Fi access for guests and customers.
  • OpenVPN: Secure remote access to the network.

Remote Controller

Manage multiple NethSecurity installations from a single interface, providing a centralized management solution for distributed networks.


NethSecurity represents a powerful, flexible, and user-friendly firewall solution ideal for SMBs. Its comprehensive feature set, easy deployment, and modern interface make it an excellent choice for businesses looking to enhance their network security without breaking the bank. With continuous updates and support from an active open-source community, NethSecurity ensures your network remains secure against evolving threats.

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