Introducing Firebase App Hosting: Ship Modern Web Apps at Planet-Scale

Ship modern, server-rendered web apps at planet-scale, without managing any backend infrastructure.

Full-stack JavaScript frameworks like Angular and Next.js simplify server-side rendering (improved SEO, faster initial load times) with familiar frontend tools. However, deploying these apps requires more than just static files on a CDN. Today, we introduce the public preview of Firebase App Hosting, the next generation of serverless web hosting by Google, designed specifically for server-rendered web apps!

Optimized for Modern, Full-Stack Web Apps

No-Config-Needed Build Support for Angular and Next.js

Firebase App Hosting offers built-in, no-config-needed adapters for popular full-stack frameworks like Next.js and Angular, making it effortless to build and deploy your web app. This collaboration with the Angular team ensures that deploying Angular apps on any hosting provider is easier than ever. Check out the Angular 17.2 release notes for more details.

App Hosting also supports advanced features like streaming for Next.js and defer (lazy loading) for Angular, optimizing your app’s performance.

Scalable, Serverless Backends

App Hosting not only creates your backend but also manages services like Cloud Build, Cloud Run, and Cloud CDN, scaling them automatically with demand. This abstraction allows you to focus on your app without worrying about infrastructure. Customize your app’s runtime environment when you’re ready to optimize performance and control costs.

Automated, Reproducible Builds from GitHub

With full integration with Developer Connect, a new Google Cloud product, App Hosting seamlessly connects with your GitHub repositories. Authorize and install the Firebase GitHub app on your repository, specify your live branch, and App Hosting will automatically build and deploy your changes.

Track each version of your web app in the Firebase console, knowing exactly which git commit it was built with.

A Solution That Scales with You

Just the Right Level of Abstraction

Firebase App Hosting offers a streamlined experience while providing visibility into the underlying Google Cloud services through the Google Cloud console. Tailor configurations as needed, whether it’s customizing service account roles, adjusting runtime settings, or managing granular access to environment variables and secrets.

Scalable, Secure Google Cloud Foundation

Built on Google Cloud, App Hosting ensures automatic scaling and high availability worldwide. Cloud Run scales with demand, and Cloud CDN serves cached content globally for faster load times. With integration into Cloud Secret Manager, managing sensitive information is secure and straightforward.

Cross-Firebase Integration

The Firebase JavaScript SDK and AngularFire have been updated to make them easier to use in server-rendered apps. Build any Firebase product into your web app on App Hosting or explore new features like Firebase Data Connect and Genkit.

Another Hosting Product?

Firebase Hosting, introduced in 2014, is great for static web apps without a backend. Firebase App Hosting fills the gap for modern, server-rendered web apps. For a detailed comparison, check out the product comparison page.

Get Started with Firebase App Hosting

Dive into our technical documentation to learn more, and follow the quickstart guide to deploy a basic app. For an in-depth example, explore our Next.js and Angular Codelabs, now with AI features powered by the Gemini API.

This is just the beginning. We look forward to your feedback! Upvote feature requests on User Voice to help us prioritize our roadmap.

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