Meet NetNewsWire - Free and Open Source RSS Reader

NetNewsWire - Free and Open Source RSS Feed


In the ever-evolving landscape of information consumption, having a reliable and efficient RSS reader is paramount. NetNewsWire, a free and open-source RSS reader for Mac, iPhone, and iPad, emerges as a beacon for those seeking a streamlined approach to stay informed. Let's dive into the features, functionalities, and the sheer elegance that NetNewsWire brings to the world of RSS.

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A Paradigm Shift: RSS Reading, Simplified

NetNewsWire is not just an RSS reader; it's a paradigm shift in how we consume content. Imagine it as podcasts, but for reading. This powerful tool curates articles from your favorite blogs and news sites, keeping track of what you've read. Bid farewell to the tedious process of navigating through multiple browser tabs in search of new articles. With NetNewsWire, let the news come to you, effortlessly.

Taking Control of Your News

If you've grown tired of the noise on social media platforms, where ads, algorithms, user tracking, outrage, and misinformation prevail, NetNewsWire is your refuge. Reclaim control over your news by receiving it directly and reliably from the sites you trust. It's time to break free from the chains of information overload and immerse yourself in a focused and personalized news-reading experience.

Seamless Compatibility

NetNewsWire offers native apps for both Mac and iOS, ensuring a consistent and delightful user experience across your Apple devices. Whether you're on your Mac, iPhone, or iPad, NetNewsWire provides a cohesive environment for staying updated on the latest articles and news stories.

Features That Redefine RSS Reading

NetNewsWire is not just a reader; it's a feature-rich platform designed to elevate your reading experience. Let's explore some of the key features that set NetNewsWire apart:

  • Safari Extension: Easily add feeds with a Safari extension.
  • Direct Feed Downloading: Swift and direct downloading of feeds.
  • Syncing Options: Synchronize your feeds via iCloud, Feedbin, Feedly, BazQux, Inoreader, NewsBlur, The Old Reader, and FreshRSS.
  • Article Themes: Customize article themes on Mac (coming soon to iOS).
  • Reader View: Immerse yourself in a reader-friendly view.
  • Sharing Options: Share articles to Mail, MarsEdit,, Notes, Messages, and more.
  • Keyboard Navigation: Effortlessly navigate through articles with easy keyboard controls.
  • Dark Mode: Embrace a dark-themed interface for comfortable reading.
  • Starred Articles: Mark articles as favorites for future reference.
  • Smart Feeds: Explore 'All Unread' and 'Today' smart feeds.
  • Organization Tools: Utilize folders for seamless organization.
  • Background Refreshing: Stay updated with background refreshing.
  • Import and Export: Easily import and export OPML feed lists.
  • Search Functionality: Effortlessly search for articles.
  • Multiple Accounts: Manage multiple accounts with ease.
  • Customizable Toolbar: Tailor the toolbar to suit your preferences.
  • Apple Silicon Native: Optimized for Apple Silicon processors.
  • Multi-Window Support: Enjoy the flexibility of multiple windows on Mac.

For a comprehensive guide on how NetNewsWire works, check out the Help Books.

NetNewsWire stands as a testament to the revival of the RSS ecosystem, offering a robust, efficient, and open-source solution for users who value simplicity, clarity, and speed in their RSS reading experience. Download NetNewsWire today and embark on a journey to reclaim control over your news.

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