Introducing Osso: Simplifying SAML-Based Single Sign-On with OAuth

Introducing Osso: Simplifying SAML-Based Single Sign-On with OAuth

Are you tired of dealing with the complexities of integrating SAML-based Single Sign-On (SSO) into your applications? Look no further! Meet Osso, your go-to solution for seamlessly adding SAML-based SSO to your app infrastructure.

Osso Logo

Osso is not just another SAML solution. It's a source-available microservice designed to simplify the integration of SAML-based authentication into your applications. With Osso, you can deploy the microservice to your preferred infrastructure, leverage the Osso Admin UI for easy SAML configuration, and effortlessly sign in your users using OAuth with our OAuth client libraries: omniauth-osso or passport-osso.

Features that Make Osso Stand Out

1. Treat SAML like OAuth

Say goodbye to the complexities of SAML! Osso allows you to treat SAML as if it were OAuth. It provides an OAuth server, an intuitive Admin UI for managing OAuth clients, and OAuth client libraries for Ruby and NodeJS. Let Osso handle the intricate SAML configurations and customer setups while your team focuses on enhancing your core application.

2. SAML Configuration Made Easy

Configuring SAML for your customers has never been simpler. Osso offers two convenient options: either configure your customers' SAML providers directly in the Osso Admin UI, or empower your customers to perform the configuration themselves using your UI with the help of hooks and components from our React library, osso-react.

3. Comprehensive Documentation

We understand that navigating through SAML specifications and Identity Provider configurations can be daunting. That's why Osso generates PDF documentation containing all the necessary data for your customers to configure your app in any provider. Additionally, Osso provides extensive documentation for your team to seamlessly integrate and manage your Osso instance.

Getting Started with Osso


Getting started with Osso is a breeze! The fastest way to deploy is by using Heroku. Heroku will automatically deploy your app, generate required ENV variables, and bootstrap your instance's database. Simply click the button below to deploy to Heroku:

Deploy to Heroku

Alternatively, we offer paid hosted plans that can significantly reduce the integration workload on your development team. For those who prefer self-hosting, Git-based deploys are another recommended option.

Consume OAuth

Once deployed, integrating Osso into your application is straightforward. When a user wants to sign in with SAML, simply redirect them to Osso with their email domain as part of an OAuth 2.0 authorization flow. Osso will handle the rest, routing the user to their SAML provider, normalizing the payload, and returning them to your application to complete the OAuth flow. For added convenience, use omniauth-osso or passport-osso.

Explore our Documentation

Ready to dive deeper into Osso? Check out our comprehensive documentation at Key sections include:

  • Overview: Understand the fundamentals of Single Sign-On and SAML, and learn how to integrate them using Osso.
  • Quick start: Get a brief overview of the typical timeline for integrating Osso.
  • Deployment: Explore guides for deploying Osso to Heroku, via git, or Docker, and learn how to keep your instance up to date.
  • OAuth Setup: Learn how to authenticate SAML users to your application via OAuth.
  • Using Osso: Take a guided tour of the main functionality in our Admin UI.

Join our Community

We welcome community contributions to Osso! While Osso is managed by EnterpriseOSS, a for-profit company, our goal is to provide boilerplate code that you can confidently run in production, thereby enhancing the security of your applications and avoiding the SSO Wall of Shame.

Open Source with Business Source License (BSL)

Osso is developed and maintained by EnterpriseOSS under the Business Source License (BSL). This license, used by companies like Sentry and MariaDB, allows you to use Osso freely, with the restriction of not using it to compete with hosted Osso plans offered by EnterpriseOSS. For more details, refer to the full license text.

Ready to simplify SAML-based SSO integration? Give Osso a try today and streamline your authentication processes like never before!

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