Goodbye Electron, Meet Tauri - Tiny, Fast, Secure Apps on Any Platform

Goodbye ElectronJS - Meet Tauri

Are you ready to revolutionize your desktop application development experience? Look no further than Tauri – a cutting-edge framework that empowers developers to build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop applications with a web frontend. Let's dive into what makes Tauri the ultimate choice for your next project.

Quick Start with Tauri

Getting started with Tauri is a breeze. Simply follow our Quick Start guide to set up your development environment and start building amazing applications right away.

Compatibility with Any Frontend Framework

With Tauri, compatibility is key. You can seamlessly integrate Tauri with any frontend framework of your choice, eliminating the need to change your existing stack. Whether you're using React, Vue.js, Angular, or any other framework, Tauri has you covered. Learn more about Tauri's brownfield capabilities here.

Security First

At Tauri, security is our top priority. Our team is dedicated to driving innovation in desktop application security, ensuring that your applications are protected against potential threats. Learn more about our security architecture here.

Free and Open-Source

Tauri is committed to the principles of open-source software. Thanks to our MIT or MIT/Apache 2.0 licensing, you have the freedom to redistribute and modify Tauri as you see fit. Learn more about our open-source philosophy here.

Minimal Bundle Size

By leveraging the native web renderer of the operating system, Tauri enables you to build applications with a minimal bundle size – less than 600KB in many cases. Say goodbye to bloated applications and hello to lightning-fast performance.

Cross-Platform Deployment

With Tauri, you can bundle binaries for all major desktop platforms, with support for mobile platforms coming soon. Say goodbye to platform-specific development and hello to true cross-platform compatibility. Learn more about cross-platform deployment here.

Powered by Rust

Rust is at the heart of Tauri, providing unparalleled performance and security for the next generation of desktop applications. Learn more about Rust and Tauri's integration here.

Advanced Features

Tauri offers a plethora of advanced features to take your desktop applications to the next level:

  • Desktop Bundler: Bundle for all major desktop platforms directly from native systems.
  • Self Updater: Enable automatic updates for Tauri apps from within the applications themselves.
  • Core Plugin System: Build reusable plugins to extend the core functionality of Tauri.
  • Scoped Filesystem: Enhance the security of file interactions within your applications.
  • App Tray: Implement a cross-platform desktop icon tray for enhanced user experience.
  • GitHub Action: Easily build Tauri binaries for macOS, Linux, and Windows using GitHub Actions.
  • Native Notifications: Provide cross-platform notifications using polyfilled web APIs.
  • Sidecar: Integrate and instrument other binaries seamlessly with your Tauri applications.
  • App Storage: Utilize a canonical location for storing user data securely.

Roadmap for the Future

The future of Tauri is bright, with exciting features and enhancements on the horizon:

  • Mobile Bundler: Bundle for all major mobile device operating systems for true cross-platform deployment.
  • Cross Compiler: Generate bundled binaries from select operating system environments for maximum flexibility.
  • Other Bindings: Explore bindings for Go, Nim, Python, C++, and more with the stable Tauri API.
  • One-Time Commands: Run commands that are no longer available after the first run for enhanced security.
  • Alternative Renderers: Explore alternative renderers for webviews, including GL windowing for improved performance.
  • Channel API: Send messages through a channel for seamless communication within Tauri applications.

Ready to experience the future of desktop application development? Join us on the journey with Tauri – the framework of choice for building optimized, secure, and frontend-independent applications for multi-platform deployment.

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