Front-end Development


What's New in Astro 4.7

Astro 4.7 has landed, and it brings a host of exciting features and improvements aimed at enhancing the development experience for users. Fr...

Abdul Aziz Ahwan 26 Apr, 2024

What's New in Astro 4.2

What is New in Astro 4.2 Astro, the dynamic static site generator, is back with a bang! Version 4.2 introduces a slew of experimental featur...

Abdul Aziz Ahwan 25 Jan, 2024

ShaDCN/UI: Transforming UI Development

ShaDCN UI Introduction to ShaDCN In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, the quest for efficient, responsive, and scalable ...

Abdul Aziz Ahwan 20 Jan, 2024 Where Speed Meets Personalization – Building Blazing-Fast Websites Made Easy

Imagine a world where building a website feels like assembling a Lego masterpiece. Each block, representing a code component, snaps effortle...

Abdul Aziz Ahwan 10 Jan, 2024

Next.js Tips and Tricks for Improved Performance

Next.js Tips and Tricks for Improved Performance Next.js is a powerful framework for building server-side rendered React applications. Its b...

Abdul Aziz Ahwan 1 Apr, 2023

Next.js vs. Create React App: Which Is Right for Your Project?

React has become one of the most popular front-end frameworks in recent years, and for good reason. With its powerful component-based archit...

Abdul Aziz Ahwan 31 Mar, 2023