Front-end Development


What's New in Astro 4.2

What is New in Astro 4.2 Astro, the dynamic static site generator, is back with a bang! Version 4.2 introduces a slew of experimental featur...

Abdul Aziz Ahwan 25 Jan, 2024

ShaDCN/UI: Transforming UI Development

ShaDCN UI Introduction to ShaDCN In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, the quest for efficient, responsive, and scalable ...

Abdul Aziz Ahwan 20 Jan, 2024 Where Speed Meets Personalization – Building Blazing-Fast Websites Made Easy

Imagine a world where building a website feels like assembling a Lego masterpiece. Each block, representing a code component, snaps effortle...

Abdul Aziz Ahwan 10 Jan, 2024

Next.js Tips and Tricks for Improved Performance

Next.js Tips and Tricks for Improved Performance Next.js is a powerful framework for building server-side rendered React applications. Its b...

Abdul Aziz Ahwan 1 Apr, 2023

Next.js vs. Create React App: Which Is Right for Your Project?

React has become one of the most popular front-end frameworks in recent years, and for good reason. With its powerful component-based archit...

Abdul Aziz Ahwan 31 Mar, 2023