Secure Your API with Ory Hydra: The Ultimate OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 Server

As the digital landscape continues to expand, securing APIs and managing identities efficiently has never been more critical. Enter Ory Hydra, an open-source, OpenID Certified™ OAuth 2.0 server and OpenID Connect provider built with Go. Designed for cloud-native environments, Ory Hydra offers robust security, low latency, and high throughput, making it an ideal choice for modern applications.

What Makes Ory Hydra Stand Out?

Ory Hydra is a powerful tool, but it's not an identity provider itself. Instead, it connects seamlessly with your existing identity provider through a login and consent app, making it highly adaptable. Whether you're using Ory Kratos for identity management or another solution, integrating with Ory Hydra is straightforward.

Key Features of Ory Hydra

  1. OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Compliance: Fully compliant with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect standards, ensuring compatibility and security.
  2. Performance Optimized: Low latency and high throughput, suitable for handling millions of users and API requests efficiently.
  3. Resource Efficient: Designed for low resource consumption without compromising on performance.
  4. Flexibility: Compatible with any authentication endpoint, allowing use with various identity providers and languages.

The Ory Network: Elevate Your Security

The Ory Network offers the fastest and most secure way to utilize Ory's services. It leverages Ory Hydra's power to provide a comprehensive solution for identity and credential management. Key benefits include:

  • Scalability: Manage billions of users and devices effortlessly.
  • Advanced Authentication: Support for passkey, biometric, social, SSO, and multi-factor authentication.
  • Pre-built Components: Ready-to-use login, registration, and account management pages.
  • Compliance and Security: GDPR-friendly, with data locality options and robust security measures.

Getting Started with Ory Hydra

Local Setup with Docker

To start using Ory Hydra locally, you can follow a simple setup process with Docker. Here's a quick guide:

# Run Ory Hydra locally using Docker
docker run -d --name ory-hydra-example -p 4444:4444 -p 4445:4445 oryd/hydra:v1.10.6

Using the Ory CLI

Alternatively, you can use the Ory CLI for a seamless setup:

# Install Ory CLI
bash <(curl -b . ory
sudo mv ./ory /usr/local/bin/

# Or with Homebrew
brew install ory/tap/cli

Create a new project and set up OAuth 2.0 clients:

# Create a new project
ory create project --name "Ory Hydra Example"
project_id="{set to the id from output}"

# Create OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials
ory create oauth2-client --project $project_id \
    --name "Client Credentials Demo" \
    --grant-type client_credentials
client_id="{set to client id from output}"
client_secret="{set to client secret from output}"

ory perform client-credentials --client-id=$client_id --client-secret=$client_secret --project $project_id
access_token="{set to access token from output}"

ory introspect token $access_token --project $project_id

Example: OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow

# Create an OAuth 2.0 Client for Authorization Code Flow
ory create oauth2-client --project $project_id \
    --name "Authorize Code with OpenID Connect Demo" \
    --grant-type authorization_code,refresh_token \
    --response-type code \
code_client_id="{set to client id from output}"
code_client_secret="{set to client secret from output}"

# Perform Authorization Code Flow
ory perform authorization-code \
    --project $project_id \
    --client-id $code_client_id \
    --client-secret $code_client_secret
code_access_token="{set to access token from output}"

ory introspect token $code_access

# Exploring Ory Hydra: The Secure, Cloud-Native OAuth2 and OpenID Connect Solution

## Introduction

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital security, Ory Hydra stands out as a robust, open-source OAuth2 and OpenID Connect server designed to meet modern security needs. Written in Go, this server offers a highly secure, low-latency solution for API security, making it a vital tool for developers and organizations looking to implement secure authentication and authorization.

![Ory Hydra](

## Key Features of Ory Hydra

Ory Hydra is not an identity provider itself but integrates seamlessly with your existing identity providers through a login and consent app. This flexibility allows you to maintain control over user authentication while leveraging Ory Hydra's powerful authorization features.

### Highlights

- **OpenID Certified OAuth2 Server:** Ensures compliance with industry standards.
- **Optimized Performance:** Designed for low-latency, high throughput, and minimal resource consumption.
- **SDKs for Any Language:** Supports integration with various languages through comprehensive SDKs.
- **Hardware Security Modules:** Enhances security by supporting hardware security modules.
- **Cloud-Native and Open Source:** Facilitates seamless integration into cloud environments and encourages community contributions.

## Integrating Ory Hydra with the Ory Network

The Ory Network is the fastest and most secure way to utilize Ory Hydra, offering a fully managed service that scales to billions of users and devices. Here are some key benefits:

- **Identity & Credential Management:** Efficiently handle registration, login, and account management for various authentication methods including passkeys, biometrics, and social logins.
- **Pre-Built Components:** Simplifies the implementation process with pre-built login, registration, and account management pages.
- **OAuth2 and OpenID Provider:** Provides robust single sign-on (SSO), API access, and machine-to-machine authorization capabilities.
- **Low-Latency Permission Checks:** Incorporates Google's Zanzibar model for real-time, low-latency permission checks.
- **Compliance-Friendly:** Ensures GDPR-friendly secure storage and data locality.

### Getting Started with Ory Hydra

You can quickly get started with Ory Hydra by using Docker or the Ory CLI. Here's a brief guide:

#### Using Docker

Follow the [5-minute tutorial]( to run Ory Hydra locally with Docker.

#### Using Ory CLI

Install the Ory CLI:

# This example works best in Bash
bash <(curl -b . ory
sudo mv ./ory /usr/local/bin/

# Or with Homebrew installed
brew install ory/tap/cli

Create a new project:

ory create project --name "Ory Hydra 2.0 Example"
project_id="{set to the id from output}"

Follow the quick and easy steps to create OAuth2 clients and run authorization flows.

Example: OAuth2 Client Credentials Flow

Create an OAuth2 client and perform the client credentials flow:

ory create oauth2-client --project $project_id \
    --name "Client Credentials Demo" \
    --grant-type client_credentials
client_id="{set to client id from output}"
client_secret="{set to client secret from output}"

ory perform client-credentials --client-id=$client_id --client-secret=$client_secret --project $project_id
access_token="{set to access token from output}"

ory introspect token $access_token --project $project_id

Example: OAuth2 Authorization Code Flow

Set up an OAuth2 client for the authorization code flow with OpenID Connect:

ory create oauth2-client --project $project_id \
    --name "Authorize Code with OpenID Connect Demo" \
    --grant-type authorization_code,refresh_token \
    --response-type code \
code_client_id="{set to client id from output}"
code_client_secret="{set to client secret from output}"

ory perform authorization-code \
    --project $project_id \
    --client-id $code_client_id \
    --client-secret $code_client_secret
code_access_token="{set to access token from output}"

ory introspect token $code_access_token --project $project_id

Ory Hydra on Private Cloud

For organizations that prefer self-hosted solutions, Ory offers the Ory Network Hybrid Support Plan. This plan provides comprehensive support for private cloud deployments, ensuring you have access to the expertise of the Ory team.


Ory Hydra is a powerful, flexible solution for modern authentication and authorization needs. Its cloud-native architecture, extensive documentation, and support for industry standards make it an excellent choice for developers and organizations looking to implement secure, scalable OAuth2 and OpenID Connect services.

Sign up for a free developer account today and start exploring the capabilities of Ory Hydra. For more information on support plans and private cloud deployments, visit the Ory support page or book a meeting.

For detailed guides and additional resources, visit the Ory Hydra documentation.

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